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twitter.com/googlekorea - 구글 코리아
가끔 구글 블로그에 가서 어떤 글이 올라왔는지 확인을 하는데요.
이번엔 구글 블로그와 구글 한국 블로그에
트위터 주소 목록에 관한 내용이 올라왔군요.
Google Blog - Google accounts on Twitter
Google Korea Blog - 구글코리아 트위터 follow 안하실래요?
twitter.com/Google - our central account
twitter.com/Blogger - for Blogger fans
twitter.com/GoogleCalendar - user tips & updates
twitter.com/GoogleImages - news, tips, tricks on our visual image search
twitter.com/GoogleNews - latest headlines via Google News
twitter.com/GoogleReader - from our feed reader team
twitter.com/iGoogle - news & notes from Google's personalized homepage
twitter.com/GoogleStudents - news of interest to students using Google
twitter.com/YouTube - for YouTube fans
twitter.com/GoogleAtWork - solutions for IT and workplace productivity
나머지 구글 관련 트위터 주소는 Google accounts on Twitter 에서 확인하세요.
Posted by Karen Wickre, Google Blog & Twitter Team
그나저나, 구글 트위터팀도 있군요;;
twitter.com/Blogger - for Blogger fans
twitter.com/GoogleCalendar - user tips & updates
twitter.com/GoogleImages - news, tips, tricks on our visual image search
twitter.com/GoogleNews - latest headlines via Google News
twitter.com/GoogleReader - from our feed reader team
twitter.com/iGoogle - news & notes from Google's personalized homepage
twitter.com/GoogleStudents - news of interest to students using Google
twitter.com/YouTube - for YouTube fans
twitter.com/GoogleAtWork - solutions for IT and workplace productivity
나머지 구글 관련 트위터 주소는 Google accounts on Twitter 에서 확인하세요.
Posted by Karen Wickre, Google Blog & Twitter Team
그나저나, 구글 트위터팀도 있군요;;
twitter.com/googlekorea - 구글 코리아