넥서스원 Kang-o-rama 0.9 Final

다소 늦은감이 있지만, Kang-o-rama 0.9 Final 녀석을 설치 했습니다. 부팅로고와 UI 가 멋집니다.

관심 있으신 분게서는.. 아래 링크를 클릭하시면 자세한 정보를 보실 수 있습니다.


•Froyo Android 2.2 (FRF91 Public Release w/SP3)
•Custom dark status/notification bar and shade
•Custom adaptation of Desire notification icons
•HTC Desire settings icons
•Custom Kang-o-rama fonts
•Transparent Power Control and News & Weather widgets
•Newest version of ADW.Launcher (v0.9.0) // customised for Kang-o-rama
•QuickDesk // Quick-touch access to the desktop of your choice, over any application
•Custom pershoot 2.6.34 XTRA Undervolted & Overclocking Kernel just for Kang-o-rama (20100616)
•Total apps2everything with the default Froyo Apps2SD and the amazing new A2SD (apps2ext) by Darktremor
•Random boot animations provided by Nighthound
•HTC Keyboard Mod by jonasl
•Samsung Galaxy S Live Wallpapers
•Trackball Alert (v1.0.5) from lilHermit // with pre-patched framework
•Included hosts.huge file if you would like to use it to block ads
•Busybox from Cyanogen - now root access for all apps
•SpareParts - designed especially for Froyo by leonnib4 who's allowed us to use it, thank you.
•Froyo apps2sd - now in Spare Parts
•The Droid Collection Icon Pack
•Droidz Extended Icon Pack
•iQ Icons Icon Pack
•Unified Font Pack
•Extra Wallpapers // Embedded in ADW.Launcher
•Apps Organizer // Set custom application folders with your own icons
•MoreLocale // Use any language/location combination
•Quick Boot // Fast access to all reboot modes, including home screen shortcuts
•ShootMe // Shake or scream to capture screen shots
•Enabled 800x480 video recording
•Superuser permission from ChainsDD
•Facebook, Twitter, Goggles, Maps and Google Voice all removed from /system // please download them from the market if you need them

PS. 아직 FRF91 SuperBoot 가 나오질 않아, 우분투 설치는 보류해야 될꺼 같습니다.
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